I’m Varsha. I started this blog many years ago before I was married and had two amazing boys. It was mostly focused on recipes, and then quickly moved into posts about motherhood when our first boy was born. I loved blogging, but had my hands full with colicky babies, two boys in diapers, food allergies, the joy, trials, and tribulations of breastfeeding, supporting a tech entrepreneur, my own technical career, house work, work travel, and basically, keeping my head above water.
I chickened out and stopped blogging. When things get challenging, it’s so easy to think that you don’t belong because you’re not an expert and aren’t perfectly balancing it all. But in today’s hustle culture, I think it’s just as important to know when you need to slow down as it is when you need to keep going.
Fast forward a good five years and I’m back! My spouse’s entrepreneurial hustle provided us both with more time on our hands (a huge privilege), so I’m back to continue my little corner on the Internet to chat about wellness, holistic health, careers, motherhood, the perfect enchilada recipe, my favorite face products, and more. Why? Because if I can inspire just one person to shine and sparkle a little brighter and be a little healthier, whether that’s through a word of encouragement, or a wellness tea recommendation, it’s worth it to me. I’m a big believer in giving the world good energy and that is my ultimate mission.
I hope the bits and pieces of wellness, fitness, books, food, travel, coziness, technology, home decor, and advice on how not to step on LEGOS that I share here will help you out in some way. Above all, I’m more interested in connections than accomplishments, so I hope you reach out if I can help with anything at all. If you’re not sure what to reach out about, here’s a bit more about me:
I spent over 17 years in the technology industry, most recently as a systems engineer focused on analytics and, of course, “the cloud”. Though I try to still keep my feet wet on the STEM front, I am currently a nonprofit board member, STEM mentor, startup advisor, and a holistic health coach in training. After getting rid of acne that I had been fighting for over 20 years, healing my chronic back pain and inflammation, and no longer waking up with a stuffy nose every morning, I decided to study the world of functional medicine and holistic health a bit closer. I’ll be blogging about this topic a lot as it is my current passion.
I was born in the Netherlands and have lived in different parts of the world. I grew up with the Dutch, then the Caribbean folks, then the Hispanics and Indian people. It’s been amazing. So, from every standpoint, I consider myself a mix of everything. So there you have it, just like me, you don’t have to perfectly belong anywhere to come along for the ride…and I sure hope you do!

Have a look around
I’m Varsha. This is my corner of the Internet where I discuss all things wellness, fitness, motherhood, technology, travel, home decor, coziness, and much more. I’m a former systems engineer, wife to a tech entrepreneur, and mom of two bundles of ENERGY. I hope you can take away a great recipe, book recommendation, or at the very least, some positive vibes from here!